Follow That Dream - Poster.jpg
Colin B wrote:Follow that Dream - Lobby Card.jpgPDVD_147.JPG
It always strikes me as odd that when they make the lobby cards for a colour film, they use a black & white photo & colourise it !
And not always with the right colours, either !
Often, they aren't even stills from the actual film !
See above how the colours are different on the lobby card & George [played by Howard McNear] seems to have lost his jacket !
One of the bank guards [played by Red West] has his shirt unbuttoned & not tucked in !
It's my guess the lobby card is from a rehearsal !
Odd !
Suspicious Minds wrote:...Maybe you could use a lobby card for your quiz...
Spot the differences with the actual movie footage
Colin B wrote:Suspicious Minds wrote:...Maybe you could use a lobby card for your quiz...
Spot the differences with the actual movie footage
That's a good idea !
Something the more dedicated quizzer could look up for themselves !
I wonder how many would go to that trouble ?
Colin B wrote:...I wonder how many would go to that trouble ?
Suspicious Minds wrote:If the quizzers think it's too much trouble, they can still have a (wild) guess.
Honestly, I wouldn't know how many quizzers would go to that trouble. Maybe you could ask if they'd be interested in such a quizz before putting one together. If they don't like the idea, you don't have to put your time into it.
Just a suggestion.
You're the quizmaestro, Colin
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